Software Features ›››
- Provides advance card and label maker tools for designing high resolution cards and labels in simplified way including Line, Ellipse, Pencil, Rectangle, Text, Barcode, Picture, Arc, Triangle and Star objects.
- Easily Add WordArt text-styling feature to give your added text classy look.
- Include barcode labels designed using Linear and 2D bar code fonts standards.
- Software provides advanced facility to create label and card with specific type of fold including Quarter Fold, Half Fold in easy way.
- Software provides option to start new label format or edit existing label format.
- Design and create customized label and card in Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, CD or DVD shape.
- Software provides option to create label and card using wizard or with blank format.
- Software provides advance messages using message templates during card or label designing process.
- Facility to select image from library during card or label designing process.
- Data Set Series feature allows to generate the multiple copies of labels and cards with different barcode and text value.
- Specify password settings during label and card designing process to prevent unauthorized access.