Student ID Cards Maker Software has two modules to create student identity cards. Select any one module as we have selected 'Design using Pre-defined Templates' for demonstration purpose.
Student ID Cards Maker Software More Screenshots ➜Software Features ›››
- Software has option to choose ID Card Design from pre-loaded or custom templates to quickly design ID cards.
- Program provides Live Group and Batch Processing Mode for designing ID Cards of multiple students. This mode includes Excel Data and Bulk opertaions with Live features.
- You can add photo on ID cards by taking picture using camera settings or you can also browse location of image saved on PC.
- Software has facility to save designed ID card log for future reference.
- You can crop single or multiple images for ID Cards using Image Cropping Tool available in software.
- You can design ID cards using various designing objects including Line, Ellipse, Rectangle, Text, Star, Triangle, Barcode, Picture, Watermark etc.
- Print designed ID cards using advanced print settings feature. Software supports all types of printer to print ID Cards.
- Design ID cards in different shapes including Rectangle, Rounded rectangle, Ellipse shape.
- Provides option to select image from library during ID card designing process.
- Software has feature to copy current card design to other side of card.
- Send designed ID cards at specified email address using email settings feature.